This agreement is between you and Musica Kirklees


For the purpose of this agreement "term" refers to one of the following periods

  • Autumn Term - September to the Christmas Holidays
  • Spring Term - Christmas Holidays to the Easter Holidays
  • Summer Term - Easter Holidays to the Summer Holidays


Music Centre and/or Central Ensemble Terms and Conditions

Individuals must be registered members in order to attend Musica Kirklees (MK) Music Centre groups and/or Central Ensembles.

Members can attend all suitable groups/central ensembles.  Once registered, for health and safety purposes members must notify the MK office if they leave a group or if they transfer to, or attend, additional groups/ensembles.

Once registered, membership will automatically renew each term, year on year, unless written cancellation is received at the MK office from the bill payer.

Membership can only be cancelled for the end of the current academic term or half term.

MK reserve the right to cancel membership where there is a prolonged period of non-attendance.

Music Centre groups and Central Ensembles take place during term-time only.

Refunds are not offered for rehearsals cancelled by MK, or missed by the member, as membership fees are based on access to multiple groups/centres and not on a charge per group basis.

Instruments and/or equipment loaned from Music Centres or Central Ensembles should be returned immediately if membership is cancelled.  MK is unable to loan instruments for use by group/ensemble members who do not also have Option A/B/C/D tuition. 

Pupils will not be eligible for membership and cannot attend rehearsals where the pupil/payer or household’s account with Musica Kirklees is On Stop due to overdue or late payment of previous fees for lessons, membership or any other Musica Kirklees activity.  Membership will be offered once payment is received for any overdue fees in full plus a term’s membership fees in advance if applicable (including Free First Term or as Kirklees Priority Passport Holders).


Free First Term’s Membership

Available to pupils in school year 13 or under who have never attended any MK Music Centre groups or Central Ensembles.

Free First Term Membership applies to membership of Music Centre groups only (Central Ensembles and Theory Group not included).

Eligible members who register at any point during an academic term will not be charged membership fees for that particular term.  Membership fees will be charged from the next academic term onwards.


Kirklees Priority Passport Holders

Kirklees Priority Passport (KPP) Holders receive free membership of all suitable groups/ensembles on presentation of a valid KPP.

A photo of a valid KPP must be emailed or shown to the Musica Kirklees office before, or at, the time of invoicing to receive the discount.

Discounts and refunds will not be offered in retrospect.


Gift Aid

Gift Aid allows Musica Kirklees (Kirklees Music School) to reclaim tax from HM Revenue & Customs.  1. If you pay income tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue & Customs to adjust your tax code.  2. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return.  3. As your declaration covers Musica centre subscriptions/donations you may made in the future: a. please notify us if you change your name or address while the declaration is still in force; b. you can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying us - it will then not apply to donations you make on or after the date of cancellation or such later date that you specify; c. if in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and Capital Gains Tax equal to the tax Musica Kirklees reclaims, you can cancel your declaration. 


Data Use

Kirklees Music School trading as Musica Kirklees is a registered charity (no. 1013838) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (no. 2737172).  Information contained in this form is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998/EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.  Child level data may be shared with the pupil’s schools.  Summary level data will be shared with Arts Council England.  You can find out more about how we use your data in our ‘Privacy Notice’ and ’Data Protection Policy’ which can be viewed at and copies are available from the Musica Kirklees office.  Information about you/your child will only be used for the purposes of the service being provided.



The prices for the academic year normally remain valid for the academic year and are reviewed annually with the revisions taking effect from September. We will inform all customers of the increase in fees in the Summer term newsletter.

It is possible to pay your fees in the following ways

  • Monthly Direct Debit can be set up before the start of a new term or when you enrol for lessons. Your fees will be taken in 3 instalments each term - on or immediately after the 6th Oct, Nov & Dec for the Autumn Term; Feb, March &April for the Spring Term and May, June & July for the Summer Term
  • Cash, cheques and cards can be paid at the Musica Kirklees office, 9 Beast Market, Huddersfield HD11QF
  • Cheques by post, 9 Beast Market, Huddersfield HD11QF
  • Credit or Debit Card Payments can be taken over the phone 01484 426426 or made online at



You are entering into an ongoing agreement for tuition with Musica Kirklees. Details of payment arrangements will be included with your invoice. If you do not make a payment by the date shown on your invoice, we will send you a reminder. If you fail to respond to the reminder, we will regard this as a fundamental breach of the agreement and the membership may be suspended. We cannot accept any responsibility for disruption to tuition due to late payment. To reinstate membership, payment of fees will be requested in advance. If you have difficulty in paying, please contact us.

Musica Kirklees reserves the right to review these terms from time to time, normally at the end of an academic year. You will have the option to accept the revised terms or withdraw from lessons if we change our terms. If we advise you of any material change to these terms to your detriment without giving sufficient notice to enable you to withdraw from the agreement by the specified date, you will not be required to pay a fee in lieu of notice in respect of the following term.

You have the right to cancel this agreement for the period of seven working days (not counting weekends) after signing it or the date of the first scheduled lesson, whichever is the sooner.

This agreement is governed by English Law.
